The core purpose of AEC is to act as a resource, consultant, and adviser to the PHCC Board of Directors and AEC Members. AEC is governed by a Board of Directors elected annually by the membership. Funding for AEC comes solely from membership dues and conferences.
AEC Spectrum Management Conference is dedicated to education, networking, information-sharing and building deeper relationships between execs. This conference provides a base for association managers to embellish and hone their professional skills, and create a compelling vision for the future of their association.
AEC membership gives you access to years of cumulative experience, expertise and knowledge. Through the AEC Mentoring Program you will have a wealth of experienced, skilled professional PHCC executives to help strengthen your role as a leader.
Each year AEC honors a PHCC Executive who has shown extraordinary leadership skills with the coveted AEC Spectrum Award.
The AEC Award for Excellence in Communication allows your hard work in getting the PHCC message out to members and consumers to be recognized. Your newsletter, magazine, convention program, and website will be judged by a panel of experts against other state or local associations of comparable size. Winners are announced at the PHCC Annual Convention.