Adopted March 9, 2007 CCA is a professional group of successful plumbing and mechanical new construction contractors who recognize that the highest of standards must exist among members to realize the most benefit of membership and the top levels of professionalism. CCA members all agree to these standards:
- CCA members commit to being active in all CCA activities, including meetings, CCAConnect and networking events.
- CCA members will encourage the free exchange of ideas.
- CCA members will present a broad and favorable image of the industry across the nation.
- CCA members will promote equal treatment of all members, and will oppose any discriminatory practices against any members.
- CCA companies will uphold the PHCC Code of Conduct and anti-trust statement. Special attention should be given to no discussion of pricing and bids.
- CCA companies should respect each others’ employees and practices.
- Any CCA peer groups that are developed should meet at least once a year and report activities to the CCA member ship at a regular meeting.
- CCA members shall recognize that sharing valuable information in compliance with anti-trust laws begins with trust and confidentiality. All CCA meetings, communications, materials, including educational seminars and e-mails, are solely and exclusively for the membership. The distribution, discussion or sharing of this information outside the CCA community is prohibited.
- CCA members should recognize there may be another member in the same marketplace. When breakout group discussionsarise that present sensitive situations with a potential competitor, and also limit full participation, then the discussion should stop and one of the competitors should excuse themselves from those focus groups.
- Recognizing that there are some competitive situations that could exist, CCA members realize and understand that some company tours will be limited to non-competitors.
- CCA members will promote the spirit of this code and the objectives of the industry by increasing participation in CCA and the PHCC—National Association. CCA members will establish and maintain the highest level of mutual respect and goodwill with all segments of the industry.
- Violation of these guidelines could subject any member to a hearing before the CCA trustees, which could result in removal from CCA.